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Monday, July 18, 2011

Baby number 2?

I know i probably scared a few of you with the title on this one, but dont worry there is no bun in the oven for this lady. With baby number 1 close to hitting that safe 9 month mark i have been really thinking about when baby number 2 would be a good idea. My Dr told me that any time after 9 months i could get prego again and be able to try for a natural birth. Following a c-section there are a few "rules" so this one was some thing to remember for sure.

I am also daunted by the fact that soon i will be back to working 40 hours a week and away from baby k 45 ish hours and that having number 2 would allow me to be a part of her life still..... I know it will be a chance for me to get some time on my own and be a part of adult talking again. But i will for sure miss the goos and gagas.

Yesterday I was driving back from camping Baby K and I sitting in the back seat. I looked down at her in all her cutness and just loved that moment. being with my beautiful baby girl. and thought i would for sure want to wait a while to have number 2. we are just so happy with her right now that maybe 1 will always be enough. She is so perfect its amazing!

I know that i will miss being home with her but in the end we are happy with what we have right now...

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Slow down baby girl!

So we have a very active dedicated to walking little girl! She just turned 8 months yesterday and in the past month she has figured out that walking is her new mission. She now pulls her self up on every thing..... I mean every thing, even the dog. The one thing she doesn't quite get is if she lets go she falls down. Which over the past few days she has gotten better at.

This is The beginning of june. She was just starting to crawl. Looks like a push up to me.... 

and of course our table standing..... 

and cute little toes on the new deck! 

She now will let go with one hand and wave, or bang on the table. Oh its so scary. We will have a walker soon. My baby girl is growing big...... Every thing she has done so far has been early. She is just growing up way to fast!

Friday, June 24, 2011

So on the go......

Wow I have no idea how time is flying by so fast........ There is so much going on its crazy!

Life has been all kinds of crazy the past few weeks! Pictures, and cards, family events its just crazy! I have been loving the beautiful weather and my wonderful new camera! And finally all of my new back drops have arrived! So far they are amazing! :) The nice thing too is the backs are white so i am able to use the backs too!

Baby K has been growing like mad! almost 8 months and pretty determined to walk. I hope she takes her time but i know it will be soon! Its almost heart breaking about how fast she is growing. I know all moms say it how fast their babys grow. Its crazy! The one new thing i am liking that she does is she likes to have her morning nap on me! We cuddle up and watch some TV and she has a nap! I really enjoy it! and i am guessing she likes it too! She never really was a cuddly baby till now so thats nice!

July is coming up so quick! I have a few exciting events happening for sure... camping camping, birthdays, weddings! oh its going to be crazy! But so much fun! I havent had a summer off since the year after i graduated which was 9 years ago! I have packed this summer with some amazing events! I cant wait! So stay tuned for fun fun fun in the sun! Starting tomorrow with a wonderful wedding! :) Here we go!

Here are some new pictures of Baby K
The tutu was made by CapriandMe Boutique

and the amazing bib was made by Bella and Charlie designs
I Love both of these Both local Nanaimo moms and made so well! Baby K has a bunch of their stuff and I love it! She will eventually! :)

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Feeling great.....

What a beautiful day we have today! Went for a walk with a new moms walking group. It was really nice..... Sunny good people and a nice walk.... After the 10 K i messed up my foot really bad and finally its better. it was almost 2 weeks of pain which was not fun at all.... But now I am all better and walking again..... We had a few moms with all sizes of babys, even the twins i had in studio to take pictures of. It was a blast.

Speaking of the Twins, We did a Photo shoot yesterday I had a great time taking pictures and the baby's did an amazing job. So cute.. I cant wait to get them back when they are a little older!

On the weekend my parents had their 30th wedding anniversary. We planned a surprise vow renewal, my dad was in on it but my mom had no idea till 2 days before. We managed to keep it a secret but some one spilled the beans. Thats ok tho, they still both cried and it was a beautiful time. Afte we went for dinner and had a great night!

I hope your all keeping out in this beautiful sun...

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

We did it~

Well every one, we survived the Victoria 10 K!!!! We walked it and got a time of 2 hours, 9 min and 5 seconds for me and 4 seconds for my mom! Kassidys first 10 k and she did quite well! I was very proud of my self that i finished it! I wish i would have tried a little bit harder to train for it, But thats ok next time right. maybe i will run it! ;) Yeah right! Not going to happen! One can dream of course. The first few K were pretty hard. I got to the 4 K mark and was shocked it was taking so long... By the 6th i was doing great more then half way done and the numbers were flying by! But we hit the 8th and i thought i was going to die! I kid you not 8 K sucks. By the time the 9th came a long i was pretty sore. Blisters on both my feet and muscles tensing up! Around the 9th Ruth our good friend came to meet us and cheer us on! Its was ok after that! We finished they announced our names as we came across the line and they asked how old Kassidy was! It was very exciting!!!!

So her is a tip for any one who is walking or running one of these... Dont stop! We stopped a few time's to tend to baby and starting up again was painful! Also at the end dont stop! slow down for sure but keep moving all the way to your car then go home and rest! lol! its not that bad but good thing to think of if your new to this! Also Do a little bit of walking before hand! More then i did! To get ready! And remember the most important part have fun! Its not a race! Its an adventure! The more you do the more you would like to improve but its ok! you dont have to be a super star!

The day before the race we went to Victoria early and took some pictures of baby at the parliament Buildings. The same spot we got our Belly pictures done! So that was fun!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How can my baby be 6 months already>???

Wow 6 months! How can my sweet little baby already be 6 months old today? I cant believe how fast time has gone by and how much she has changed. She now has a growing tooth, been up for a week and a half now. She also is eating solids, well not formula, its still really runny. She is rolling over, and almost crawling. Where has the time gone?

The past 6 months even though they have gone by so fast have been so life changing and so awesome! We had a fantastic Easter weekend!  Spend time with family and had lots of fun! I also did a mini photo shoot with baby. too cute for sure! My mom go Kassidy a amber teething necklace which seamed to do wonders for her. total 180 change from cranky teething baby to sweet wonderful baby! But yesterday I broke it! I was so mad! Not only was it super cute on it made her feel better. ( well at least that's the idea) and so far last night and today she has been back to cranky tired baby!  And she slept all night so who knows. I will have to get her a new one or fix the one i broke....  Any way! I hope you have a good day! May is almost here. so lets hope it brings sunny bright days!

This is my Beautiful little girl on her first Easter!

Saturday, April 23, 2011

This house loves its fluff!

So with earth day yesterday and the great diaper change happening today I feel the need to talk fluff. If your not to sure what fluff is. I can tell you! Fluff is Cloth diapering. One of the best choices i made for my family. When i fist decided i was going to cloth diaper I was excited about the savings. Of course the up front can be costly but in the end i was going to save so much by keeping my kids in cloth. With in weeks my fluff stash had paid for its self!

When my daughter was first born i was quite scared to cloth diaper. and yes i did get a bunch of disposables from friends at her baby shower so she was a disposable baby till about the 2 month mark. She got a really really really bad diaper rash and i wanted to make sure what i was putting on her was natural and better to keep her healthy. So  we did eventually switch to cloth! It was my plan all along but when your on your first baby its really hard to try some thing new....

As this journey of cloth goes i am becoming more and more proud for my choice of cloth diapering my daughter. I am also learning a lot about what's in disposables and how horrible they are for not only your kids but the environment.

In the end its not that hard to cloth your baby! Find a few friends who are or net work on places on face book with lots of mothers who love the cloth life. Pick up a diper here and there and before you know it you will be swimming in super cute fantastic styles and prints for your little one!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Mum on the go for sure!!!!

Wow! It has been a crazy couple days! So much going on I am not to sure what to do with my self!

First off Baby Boo did get her first tooth! It popped out on Sunday morning! Wow my little baby is growing up so fast! I cant believe is just over a week i will have a 6 month old! Time sure flies! I bet my Mom is thinking the same thing, This year she gets a 27 year old! Yikes!

This weekend I was lucky enough to spend Saturday with my best friend Michelle and her friends and family for her bachelorette party! We had a really great time for sure! But must keep the details hush hush! Not for the faint of heart!  Then last night I went to a Stampin Up! Party! I always end up spending far more then i make at these events! I need to stop doing that for sure...

I am so happy to say that yesterday i ordered 3 new back drops splash of light by moonlight! I am so excited to get them! Cant wait! Hopefully they come quick so i can show them with you!

The end of the month here is looking really busy and with may the super month so far this year I am going to be very busy! But that's ok! Keeping buys is what i do best!

Here is a picture of the goodies i made tonight for my crafty ladys! They are Guinness Chocolate cupcakes! Fantastic! You can make them too! When some thing says water or milk add beer! Bes thing by far!

Friday, April 15, 2011

There could be teeth in there....

So yesterday Miss Boo was not herself! She was a little cranky but really not to bad. Then last night we had a not so nice night sleep. She got her self a lovely runny nose and couldn't breath very well. So giving her a soother to calm her down was a no go. She couldn't breath at all with it in her mouth! And putting her down once we rocked her to sleep was a bad idea too. She would wake up every time and start to cry again! Realizing quite early in to the night that it could possibly be teeth coming in we inspected her mouth, Only to find a tiny little bump and a maybe sign of a tooth.... So losing sleep and having a cranky baby was OK because we knew she would probably be in a bit of pain and not know what's going on. So far today its been a runny nose and cranky. So we will see what tonight brings as well as the next couple days with teeth popping out! 

10 k news.... 
Haven't been able to get out there and get walking lately. Feeling 100% normal but we have so much going on right now. Its slightly crazy. But that's the excitement of life. Helpfully by Tuesday we will be back to being able to walk with our friends Karen and Matt.... Speaking of which its Karen's birthday today So Happy Birthday to her... The 10 K walk is coming up quick and to want to be able to walk it no problems... I also have a dress to look good in in less then 3 weeks... yikes.... I like how my dress is so no biggie. 

The stamping night went well. I went a little crazy getting ready for it. I did prep for 40 thankfully only 20 came but I still went slightly crazy! We had a fun time...I have another one this Monday with only 10 so that will be nice... I am hoping my new die cutter is her by then so i can make boxes with the lady's! 

I will keep you updated on the teeth adventure.... My little princess is the best ever! 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

10 K.... Walking to the finish line..

When I told my Mom that I would do a 10 K walk I was pretty sure i would have lots of time to get ready and be good to go. At the time I was pregnant with Kassidy and really did have lots of time. I thought by then i will be able to get out and walk and get fit all the time. Now that I wasn't working full time. Then I had a baby and 5 months flew by. Not working full time 40 hour weeks any more. Now currently working intense full time  which is 168 hours a week. With coffee every once in a while..

 Now that its less then a month away I am kinda kicking my self. I also wanted to get in a little bit more shape for my best friends wedding which is the following week. So kill 2 birds with one stone sounds good to me. Some times things don't quite work out the way we want. Oh well...

So this week we started walking. We did a almost 4 k walk to Starbucks ( prob not the best idea, but it got us out side and walking) felt really good after that! Very excited to keep going! The next night we tackled a 7 K with 2 friends of ours. And guess what we still felt pretty darn good...... Till the next day. Ouch is all I can say! So yesterday and today we skipped our major walking and did small walks to keep going but not push to much!

I am not to sure how well we will do but i would really like to be able to do a couple 7K  a week! That would be awesome! It was a nice walk the other night and we do want to do it as much as possible!

Tonight  i am Demonstrating a huge Stampin Up! Party So i will have a bunch of fun pictures tomorrow! I am hoping today once boo goes for a nap I can prep what I want to do! :) Also have a photo shoot with Bella & Charlie Designs. Fun stuff as always...

Friday, April 8, 2011

I an new to this Its not my fault......

Hello every one. Welcome to my new Blog. Such an exciting and scary thing. Do I really have some thing people are going to want to read? If not that's OK. Gushing about my beautiful baby girl and wonderful husband is good enough.

Who am I?

 Hello I am Lisa! First time mummy to a beautiful 5 month old Kassidy. I am also a Photographer, Cake decorator, Stampin Up! Demonstrator, and many more crafty things. As you will find out over time.. I have a wonderful hubby of almost 5 years Jesse! I am very happy! So this is the perfect place to start a blog. Lots of life going on! I also have a full time job when I am not at home with baby boo.  I am really excited to start out this new adventure! And I hope you stick around. I would love to hear from you about what you like or don't like what's going on. I am finding as I get older I am stuck in my ways more but I still want to hear what other people think.... Happy Friday! More soon!

This is My Baby!!!