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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Feeling great.....

What a beautiful day we have today! Went for a walk with a new moms walking group. It was really nice..... Sunny good people and a nice walk.... After the 10 K i messed up my foot really bad and finally its better. it was almost 2 weeks of pain which was not fun at all.... But now I am all better and walking again..... We had a few moms with all sizes of babys, even the twins i had in studio to take pictures of. It was a blast.

Speaking of the Twins, We did a Photo shoot yesterday I had a great time taking pictures and the baby's did an amazing job. So cute.. I cant wait to get them back when they are a little older!

On the weekend my parents had their 30th wedding anniversary. We planned a surprise vow renewal, my dad was in on it but my mom had no idea till 2 days before. We managed to keep it a secret but some one spilled the beans. Thats ok tho, they still both cried and it was a beautiful time. Afte we went for dinner and had a great night!

I hope your all keeping out in this beautiful sun...