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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

How can my baby be 6 months already>???

Wow 6 months! How can my sweet little baby already be 6 months old today? I cant believe how fast time has gone by and how much she has changed. She now has a growing tooth, been up for a week and a half now. She also is eating solids, well not formula, its still really runny. She is rolling over, and almost crawling. Where has the time gone?

The past 6 months even though they have gone by so fast have been so life changing and so awesome! We had a fantastic Easter weekend!  Spend time with family and had lots of fun! I also did a mini photo shoot with baby. too cute for sure! My mom go Kassidy a amber teething necklace which seamed to do wonders for her. total 180 change from cranky teething baby to sweet wonderful baby! But yesterday I broke it! I was so mad! Not only was it super cute on it made her feel better. ( well at least that's the idea) and so far last night and today she has been back to cranky tired baby!  And she slept all night so who knows. I will have to get her a new one or fix the one i broke....  Any way! I hope you have a good day! May is almost here. so lets hope it brings sunny bright days!

This is my Beautiful little girl on her first Easter!

1 comment:

  1. I agree! How can she be 6 months already?? I feel like we were just visiting you in the hospital last week, and Jesse was running home to get the cell charger! Now she is even more adorable, and even more sweet!
