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Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Slow down baby girl!

So we have a very active dedicated to walking little girl! She just turned 8 months yesterday and in the past month she has figured out that walking is her new mission. She now pulls her self up on every thing..... I mean every thing, even the dog. The one thing she doesn't quite get is if she lets go she falls down. Which over the past few days she has gotten better at.

This is The beginning of june. She was just starting to crawl. Looks like a push up to me.... 

and of course our table standing..... 

and cute little toes on the new deck! 

She now will let go with one hand and wave, or bang on the table. Oh its so scary. We will have a walker soon. My baby girl is growing big...... Every thing she has done so far has been early. She is just growing up way to fast!

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